Peripheral arterial disease in renal transplant patients. Validity of the Edinburgh questionnaire for disease diagnosis
Objectives: To assess the prevalence of peripheral artery disease in kidney transplant patients and the validity of intermittent claudication for its diagnosis. Methods: Setting and period: Nephrology Department of the University Hospital A. Coruña, 2013-2017. Inclusion criteria: transplant patients with functioning grafts who gave their consent to participate in the study. Sample size rationale: n=371 patients (confidence interval= 95%; precision= ± 4.25%). Measurements: age, age at the time of transplant, sex, dyslipemia, body mass index, smoking, diabetes, sign of Godet, perimalleolar edema, ankle-brachial index and the Edinburgh Questionnaire. Cardiovascular risk was measured with these scores: Framingham-Wilson, Regicore, SCORE and Dorica. Results: The mean age at the time of transplant was 47.86±12.62; 65.5% of patients were men and 8.7% of them had an ankle-brachial index of <0.90. When answering the Edinburgh Questionnaire, 16.2% of subjects reported suffering from intermittent claudication. Concordance between these two diagnostic tests is poor (kappa index= 0.34). The Edinburgh Questionnaire showed a sensitivity of 59.38% in predicting the ankle-brachial index (<0.90) and specificity (88.10%). The variables associated with the presence of artery disease are age at the time of transplant (OR=1.07) and smoking (OR=6.17), dyslipidemia being at the limit of statistical significance. Conclusions: A tenth part of the patients have peripheral artery disease. Concordance between the Edinburgh Questionnaire and the ankle-brachial index is poor; therefore, the latter should be used as diagnostic method. Clinical signs and symptoms underestimate the prevalence of artery disease. Age, smoking and dyslipidemia increase the risk of this disease. Artery disease patients have a higher cardiovascular risk.
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