Anti-HLA antibodies monitoring in patients with chronic renal failure on waiting list for renal transplant in Paraguay

  • Fernanda Prieto Departamento de Inmunología, Laboratorio Central de Salud Pública (LCSP), Asunción
  • Claudia Cabañas Departamento de Inmunología, Laboratorio Central de Salud Pública (LCSP), Asunción
  • Verónica Villagra Departamento de Inmunología, Laboratorio Central de Salud Pública (LCSP), Asunción
Keywords: human leucosyte antigens, panel reactive antibody (PRA), histocompatibility, transplant, chronic renal failure


Introduction: Anti-HLA antibodies determination in the serum of patients on a waiting list for renal transplant is essential to optimize donor selection as well as for the induction and maintenance immunosuppression scheme, according to immunological risk. These antibodies could be present before transplantation as a result of being exposed to blood transfusions, pregnancies and previous transplants. The objective of the study was to determine immunization against HLA antigens, associated factors and their impact on the waiting list for a renal transplant. Methods: In this observational retrospective cross sectional study, 254 patients on the waiting list for renal transplant were included. These patients attended the Public Health central laboratory between July 2013 and July 2015. Results: 30% of the 254 studied patients presented anti-HLA antibodies. The most significant sensitizing event was the exposure to a previous transplant (p=<0.05). Multiparous women were in second place, 69% of them presenting positive PRA (panel reactive antibodies) (p=<0.05). Finally 24% of poly transfused patients presented anti-HLA antibodies (p=<0.05). Conclusions: During the 2 year of the study, 51 patients were transplanted, presenting only one of them anti-HLA antibodies before transplantation. This results clearly indicate that the immunization against HLA represents a barrier for transplantation access.


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How to Cite
Prieto F, Cabañas C, Villagra V. Anti-HLA antibodies monitoring in patients with chronic renal failure on waiting list for renal transplant in Paraguay. Rev Nefrol Dial Traspl. [Internet]. 2016Jun.1 [cited 2025Mar.7];36(2):75-1. Available from:
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