Tumor lysis syndrome. Bibliographic review at 90 years of its description
Tumor lysis syndrome refers to the constellation of metabolic disturbances which was first described in medical literature in 1929; references to this syndrome have increased since the advent of chemotherapy in the 1960s. It has great clinical relevance since it is considered to be the most frequent oncological emergency and it is potentially fatal.
Since it was first mentioned 90 years ago, medical knowledge has broadened concerning the understanding of this pathophysiology; however, its definition, classification and therapeutic management are still discussed in various fields. It is essential to identify patients at risk early and start treatment quickly.
This study will provide an update and review of the subject with particular emphasis on those aspects which are still under discussion. Not having a clear definition could be the reason why there is not accurate information regarding the incidence of this syndrome and its clinical impact on the morbidity and mortality of patients suffering from this it.
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Delgado MD, Cestari JJ,Lestón Tauret AH, Alemano G. Tumor lysis syndrome. Bibliographic review at 90 years of its description. Rev Nefrol Dial Traspl. 2018; 38(2):148-59.
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