How do we treat Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) with Dialysis in Argentina? Results of a National Survey

  • Fernando Lombi Servicio de Nefrología, Hospital Británico de Buenos Aires. Grupo de Trabajo de IRA, Sociedad Argentina de Nefrología
  • Gustavo Greloni Servicio de Nefrología, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires. Grupo de Trabajo de IRA, Sociedad Argentina de Nefrología
  • Guillermo Rosa Diez Servicio de Nefrología, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires. Grupo de Trabajo de IRA, Sociedad Argentina de Nefrología
Keywords: acute renal injury, renal replacement therapy, surveys, renal dialysis


Introduction: The incidence of the acute kidney injury (AKI) which requires dialysis has increased in recent years, with a high impact in terms of morbidity and mortality. Objective: Our aim was to conduct a diagnosis of situation of the RRT applied in Aki in our country. Methods: The AKI, work group, part of the Argentine Nephrology Society (SAN) developed an anonymous online survey directed to all SAN members, which 22 questions with fixed
answers. Results: 101 units were analyzed. -90% of the renal replacement therapy (RRT) were performed to patients in critical units in 67% of centers surveyed. 10% still use machines without ultrafiltration module (UF), and 3% uses acetato as hemodialysis (HD) solution. The water used in (HD) is mostly treated water in tank or drums (49%); two units (2%) use water without or with partial treatment. The rnost used dialysis membrane was polvsulphone in 82%, cuprophan are applied in 3% of the treatments. 90% and 73% of the units surveyed do no perform any extended continuous therapy or HD respectively. Only 5% undertake extended HD by more than the half of their patients. 72% of respondents do not have exclusive nurses to AKI treatment. Conclusions: Despite of the medical evidence and technology development some centers are still using incompatible membranes, hemodialysis with acetate, partially treated water and equipment without ultrafiltration module. The most used RRT was intermittent hemodialysis, even in critical patients. Most units do not apply extended or continuous techniques.


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How to Cite
Lombi F, Greloni G, Rosa Diez G. How do we treat Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) with Dialysis in Argentina? Results of a National Survey. Rev Nefrol Dial Traspl. [Internet]. 2012Dec.10 [cited 2025Mar.7];32(4):198-07. Available from:
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