Periodontal disease associated with an increased CRP in chronic hemodialysis patients

  • Carlos A. Cusumano Instituto de Nefrología Pergamino, Buenos Aires
  • Leandro Leit Instituto de Nefrología Pergamino, Buenos Aires
  • Norberto Antongiovanni Instituto de Nefrología Pergamino, Buenos Aires
  • Marcelo Ismael Cudos Instituto de Nefrología Pergamino, Buenos Aires
  • Ana María Cusumano Instituto de Nefrología Pergamino, Buenos Aires
Keywords: periodontal diseases, renal dialysis, hemodialysis, CRP, inflammation, chronic kidney disease


Introduction: Periodontal disease (PD), the main cause of tooth loss in adults, comprises a series of conditions of infectious etiology that can produce chronic inflammation. Objective: To determine the oral, particularly periodontal, health condition in chronic hemodialysis (CHD) patients. Methods: This is a descriptive, crosssectional study in CHD patients. The oral examination was performed by a certified odontologist in the dialysis unit, together with a C-reactive protein (CRP) assessment. Demographic data, diabetic and non-diabetic etiology, smoking, body mass index, erythropoietin use and health coverage information has been provided in tabulated form. Patients were divided into PD and non-PD groups. Results: 65 patients took part: 67.6% were male, 13.8 % diabetic, mean age of 60.6+16.5, mean time on CHD 60.8+53.5. Forty one patients were diagnosed with PD (63.1%), only 5 had a normal oral examination; 8 patients had caries (12%), 12 had prosthesis (18.5%) (5 with complete superior and inferior, 3 with complete superior or inferior, 4 with partial prosthesis), 19 presented radicular remains (29.2%), 9 had pieces missing or dental motility (14%). The PD group vs. the non-PD group showed a CRP 13.6+12.8 vs. 7.81+6.5, a mean age of 58.7+18 vs. 63.9+13; a time on CHD of 60.8+59 vs. 57.3+47, respectively. Differences were only statistically significant in connection with the CRP (p=0.037). Conclusions: The prevalence of dental pathologies was high, with a notorious predominance of PD. The PD group had a significantly higher CRP, as inflammation marker. PD is a preventable and treatable cause of chronic disease which should be included in the starting CHD assessment.


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How to Cite
Cusumano CA, Leit L, Antongiovanni N, Cudos MI, Cusumano AM. Periodontal disease associated with an increased CRP in chronic hemodialysis patients. Rev Nefrol Dial Traspl. [Internet]. 2017Jul.26 [cited 2025Mar.7];33(4):188-95. Available from:
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