Embolism due to cholesterol crystals in a kidney transplant patient

  • María Eugenia Zoppi Servicio de Trasplante Renal, Hospital El Cruce
  • Valeria Gabriela Albertón Servicio de Trasplante Renal, Hospital El Cruce
  • María Nieves Arán Servicio de Trasplante Renal, Hospital El Cruce
  • Sergio Daniel Coppotelli Servicio de Trasplante Renal, Hospital El Cruce
  • Horacio Demian Curcio Servicio de Trasplante Renal, Hospital El Cruce
  • Daniela Wojtowicz Servicio de Trasplante Renal, Hospital El Cruce
  • María Florencia Williams Servicio de Trasplante Renal, Hospital El Cruce
  • Yamila Graciela Russo Servicio de Trasplante Renal, Hospital El Cruce
  • Vanesei Del Rocío Fuentes Gutiérrez Servicio de Trasplante Renal, Hospital El Cruce
  • Marina Alejandra Novas Servicio de Trasplante Renal, Hospital El Cruce
  • Silvia Di Pietrantonio Servicio de Trasplante Renal, Hospital El Cruce
Keywords: Embolism, cholesterol crystals, kidney transplant, rejection


Atheroembolism is characterized by the occlusion of small arteries with cholesterol emboli arising from atheromatous plaques eroding large arteries. This complication occurs in patients with a history of atherosclerosis and triggers causes such as endovascular procedures or the initiation of anticoagulant treatment. The proximity of the kidneys to the abdominal Aorta and the large renal blood supply makes the kidney a target organ for it.

We present a patient with a history of hepato-renal polycystic disease who received a kidney transplant with graft loss due to cortical necrosis secondary to cholesterol atheroembolism. This pathology is usually underdiagnosed due to suspicion of rejection or toxicity due to calcineurin inhibitors (CNI). Treatment is limited to the use of corticosteroids and lipid-lowering agents.

Despite therapeutic efforts, the patient progressed with graft loss.

How to Cite
Zoppi ME, Albertón VG, Arán MN, Coppotelli SD, Curcio HD, Wojtowicz D, Williams MF, Russo YG, Fuentes Gutiérrez VDR, Novas MA, Di Pietrantonio S. Embolism due to cholesterol crystals in a kidney transplant patient. Rev Nefrol Dial Traspl. [Internet]. 2025Mar.19 [cited 2025Mar.28];45(01):32-7. Available from: http://revistarenal.org.ar/index.php/rndt/article/view/1010
Case Report